

Consciousness and Buddhism
――United States repeat the same mistakes against Japan? ――









アメリカは自国の利益の観点のみから日本を見ていて、日本の上記の姿勢や努力を理解していない。昨日安倍首相が靖国神社に参拝したことについてアメリカは批判した。アメリカ人は日本人の意識・無意識の根源が何処にあるのか理解していない。これは大東亜戦争が起きる前アメリカが日本に対して取った態度に似ている。その時アメリカは日本を敵視しシナ(中国)を支援した。日本は自衛の為強大なアメリカと命を懸けて戦わざるを得なかった。私は日本人の意識と無意識につい次回論述するつもりである。 (続く)

Consciousness and Buddhism
――United States repeat the same mistakes against Japan? ――

Even after a lot of centuries passed, it is estimated that spiritual long distance between Japan and China, and that between Japan and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) may never become short. It seems that each people of Japan and those countries become friendly gradually as long as exchange of economy or culture continues between Japan and those countries, of course.

Why is there such deep slot between Japan and those countries? I am always continuing considering that. I think that the prime cause of the slot is in the following three. One of them is "Own Power." The two is a "Gene." The three is "Consciousness".
 The meaning of "Own Power" in this case is that it is a power in which each thing has in it, and by its power, all thing strives to persevere in its being. Hereinafter, it is the same.

In order for Japan to display "Own Power", to survive and to go, it is necessary to raise Japanese "External Gene" and "Consciousness". The "External Genes" is tradition, culture, and custom. The "Consciousness" is the "Soul". The "Soul" transcends space-time and is free, non-limitation, non-control, versatile and immeasurable. If it acts in order that the Japanese may strengthen their "External Gene", Japanese "Consciousness = Soul" will increase naturally.

The origin of "Own Power" is not only in DNA which is "Body Gene" but in the tradition, the culture, and the custom which is "External Gene". One virus is also equipped with "Own Power". Each human being is also equipped with "Own Power". The "Nation" which consists of collective organization of human being is also equipped with "Own Power". The "Own Power" is selfish power. China and South Korea are performing the speech and conduct which disregarded international common sense, disregarded international law, and turned against Japan as a "Nation", respectively. There are people who are working in response to such speech and conduct of China or South Korea in Japan. They are similarly moved impulsively by their "Own Power".

While having repeated translation, transfer, and a duplicate, a "Gene" produces mutation and changes to a new thing. As long as the new thing suits the environment, the new thing survives and repeats translation, transfer, and a duplicate. An "Accidental" occurrence changes to "Being Necessary" and continues. A "Nation" is the same with that.

There is a DNA as a "Body Gene" and "External Gene" as tradition, culture, and custom. The information about traits and character, etc. of human is engraved in the "Body Gene" of human. The same can be said about the "Gene" of the "Nation". The "Gene" of the "Nation"’ has had very big influence on the form and character of the "Nation".

The "Nation" of various forms and character is located in the world. Japan is   unique "Nation" which Tennou, the Emperor of "Bansei Single Lineage" continues     more than 2600 years in the male line awarded to the top, and that political party which is democratically elected does the national politics. The "Bansei Single Lineage" means that generation continues without interruption from the original until the future. China is a "Nation" that a Communist Party does the national politics in the one-party dictatorship. South Korea is a "Nation" that democratically-elected President does the national politics. Among the "Nation" and "Nation", between individual humans can each other to empathize. However, the number varies with the form of the "Nation" and its character. Among the "Nation" which shared the same values and cultures, overwhelming people of each "Nation" can to empathize with each other.

The form and character of the "Nation" would be determined by history, traditions, culture and customs, etc of the "Nation" including collective DNA of the people who configures the "Nation". What human nature does not fit can't get along with each other. .As well as it, what the "Nation" does not fit can't get along with each other. The form and character of the "Nation" are determined by collective "Body Genes" and collective "External Gene" of the people that configure the "Nation". Japan always opens doors to China and South Korea who are not meeting personality, and has been exerting great effort to share the strategic benefit to each other, with proper attitude, strong patience, calm and reasonable relation to those countries.

The United States is watching Japan only from the point of view of its own interests, and do not understand the above Japan's attitude and effort. Yesterday Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine. The United States criticized about that. Americans do not understand from where Japanese consciousness and unconsciousness come. This is similar to attitude before the Greater East Asia War that the United States has taken against Japan. At that time the United States hostile to Japan and assisted China. Japan could not but fight for self-defense, having risk of life to the mighty United States. I am going to state my view about Japanese consciousness and unconsciousness next time. (Continue)



(Bilingual) English continues downward.

1210日のMSN Japan 産経ニュースで筑波大学大学院教授・古田博司の次の言葉が引用されている。“中国人も韓国人も世界史から学ばず、確かに自国史から学んでいる。彼らには「卑劣」ということが分からないのはそのためだ”と。









Consciousness and Buddhism (15).
―― Why do China and Korea turn against Japan?  (2).――

The following words of Hiroshi Furuta, the professor of the University of Tsukuba graduate school, are quoted by the MSN Japan Sankei news on December 10, That is Chinese people and South Koreans are learning nothing from the world history. To be sure, they are studying only the history of their own country. Therefore, they do not understand the meaning of mean thing.
Although Japanese people and Korean people studied the learning (doctrines of Zhū-Zĭ and doctrines of Wáng-Yáng-íng), and Japanese people developed it in Japan, Japanese people had various views to the learning. Japanese people had the knowledge which receives various senses of values and various views from the first. Japanese people hold a marriage ceremony in a Christian church, and visit a shrine in the New Year, and it holds a funeral in the form of Buddhism. The signboard seen in the inside of the town in Japan, a train, or a bus and the advertising character are written in a Chinese character, katakana, a hiragana, a Roman alphabet and English, and other foreign languages, and are rich in variety. However, since harmony of a certain kind is maintained at complicated inside, those advertisements and signboards give neither displeasure nor a feeling of oppression to those who look at them.

 From the first, since Japanese people had the knowledge which receives various senses of values, Japanese people learned the method of recognition of Westerners' thinking attitude or things first of all in Asia, and when carrying a term called philosophy into Japan, they gave this a Chinese character called the "Tetsugaku(哲学)" end of efforts. Amane Nishi and Yukichi Fukuzawa made many translations by a Chinese word in order to introduce Western culture to Japan. The Chinese word "Tetsugaku" is also one of them. These Japanese-made Chinese words were brought back to China by the foreign students who came to Japan. And it comes to be used also in the China inside, and has continued up to now. However, most people of China will not know that at all. Similarly, Koreans will not get to know that Japan has made a Korean land ledger and various infrastructures, an educational system, etc. while Korea was annexed by Japan or about the immense fund which Japan injected into South Korea after the war.

 A Japanese character has many portions similar to it of the people from China, or Koreans. Although there are unique mitochondrial DNA and a Y chromosome DNA only in Japanese people on a gene, in the portion of other many, it is well alike. However, for the information on the details on a gene, it will surely be considerably different. China is dyed Sinocentrism(“中華思想” which means thought that China is the center in the world and the Hàn race's culture and thought have the highest value in the world.) and Korea is dyed the small Sinocentrism(“小中華思想” which means the variety of the Sinocentrism mainly recited in Korea. All have looked down on Japan. It is thought that there is not only the historical and cultural background of each country, but the portion using the information on the details currently engraved in each people's gene has the reason they look down on Japan. If history and a cultural background are used as "an external gene" and DNA is used as "a gene in the living body", it will be thought that both the genes of the outside of the body and the inside of the body form the potential consciousness of each people of each country, serve as collective unconsciousness, and appear in the surface. If it thinks such, as the past was also so, the future will also be very difficult for Japan building the relation of mutual trust between China or Korea like EU.

 It turns out that there is a gene which affects "self-respect feeling" in DNA. Self-respect feeling is "the strength of the feeling which regards itself as important, or self." "South Koreans are so high that pride is strange" is written to "South Koreans' structure" (the Kodansha present age pocketbook written by Norizo Ogura). The act by such South Koreans' pride is nonplusing Japanese people. Also in human relations, also in national relations, each observes the soul of himself or his own country objective, and grasps it, and the action of itself or its own country is changed so that it may do well with a partner. The mutual relation will never go well, if it is not made such. In order that China may take the Senkaku Islands, it is freely announced that the Senkaku Islands was a territory peculiar to China from the first, and is acting. South Korea carries out illegal occupation of Takeshima who was a territory peculiar to Japan from the Edo period, the old map of its own country is altered and South Korea claims that Takeshima is Dokdo in South Korea from ancient times. Japan can never overlook the mean attitude and action which China and South Korea have taken. Such an attitude and action of China or South Korea are coming from the fixed idea cultivated by the self-respect feeling currently engraved in each people's DNA, and the doctrines of Zhū-Zĭ. Their gene in the living body and external gene have made them take such an attitude and action.

 Japan has received the attack by the mixed army which consisted of the Allied Forces of China and Korea, or the subordinate Korean of China three times in the past. Kudara (country of the west side in the southern Korean Peninsula of those days) which suited the close relation with Japan received the attack in A.D. 633 by the allied forces of Táng (China of those days) and Sillagi (country of the west side in the southern Korean Peninsula of those days). Although Japan sent 42,000 people's army to Kudara and fought it with 5000 people's Kudara army those days for the Kudara defense, Kudara was ruined, and very  large number of people from Kudara left Kudara, passed into Japan, and were naturalized to Japan. Japan has lost entirely the rights and interests currently held over 400 years in the Korean Peninsula by this defeat.

Mongolia built the Yuān dynasty to China in 1281. Although the Mongolia constituted about 30,000 Allied Forces who consist of Mongolia, China (Hàn), and Koma (country of the northern Korean Peninsula of those days) in 1274 and had invaded Kitakyushu in Japan, they met rainstorm and dispersed. Although same Mongolia, Hàn, and Koma Allied Forces had invaded Kitakyushu also in 1281, they met rainstorm again, and about 70% of personnel died, and about 30,000 people became a Japanese prisoner of war. Although China was proud of oneself with the country with 4000 years of history, there were two times which were not the Hàn race's dynasties. It is a former dynasty by the Mongolia race, and Qīng by the Manchuria race. Although the China Communist Party is managing the state now, the history is only 64 years. The Senkaku Islands was already a territory peculiar to Japan before all the time when the China  Communist Party came into power.

Japan had hardened the defense of Kitakyushu by defeat in 663. Japan has consolidated the defense system in 664 by arranging a signal fire (means for communication connection) with “防人(defense unit)” to Tsushima, Iki, and Chikushi (present Fukuoka Prefecture), and building a castle for defense of Tsushima and other important place surrounding metropolitan (that time, Nara). South Korea has said about the Tsushima, "Tsushima is the South Korean territory."

Even if the attitude of China and South Korea against Japan will pass through what century from now on, it does not change. Although Japan is strenuously tried hard to make friends with these countries, the feeling does not pass to a partner easily. Japanese people need to recognize this reality firmly.


20131201意識と仏教(14)――何故シナと朝鮮は日本に敵対するのか?(1)――      Consciousness and Buddhism (14). ―― Why do China and Korea turn against Japan? (1).――

     Consciousness and Buddhism (14).
―― Why do China and Korea turn against Japan?  (1).――

Why do China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) turn against Japan? The essential cause of this problem is not the "history issue" which they say. A "history issue" is only an excuse for them to look down upon Japan. Japan was never invading these countries.           But it is clear during a process until a Great Japan Empire will war with the United States of America etc., and its war that Japan made people in these countries a great trouble. About that, sufficient apology is performed and Japan is offering sufficient compensation (financial support) after the war. However, while these countries perform anti-Japanese target education positively to nationals, they are not making it fully recognize about the apology and financial support which Japan has offered after the war.

シナ(中国)や朝鮮(韓国・北朝鮮)という国家は何故そのように日本を貶めようとするのだろうか? 私はこれらの国々が日本を貶めようとする本質的な原因を縄文時代及び弥生時代に遡って考えてみた。科学者たちは日本列島に住みついた人々のDNAとその特異性を明らかにした。私はその‘本質的な原因’について一つの仮説をここに書こうと思う。それは科学者たちが明らかにした知見をもとに大胆な推測を加えたものである。
Why does a state called China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) look down upon Japan such? I considered the essential cause by which these countries tended to look down upon Japan, tracing back to the Jomon period and the Yayoi period. Scientists clarified DNA and singularity of people who settled in the Japanese Islands. I think that I will write one hypothesis here about the 'essential cause'. It adds a bold guess based on the knowledge which scientists clarified.

Many common DNA haplogrous are seen between Japanese, a Chinese, and Koreans.
Japanese, a Chinese, and Koreans are relatives in which many common ancestors are in such a sense. The world has the person that relations with a relative are not so good from the first. However, such a person also says in many cases that the relation with a friend is good. Distant friends are better than a nearby relative. Japan cannot do it on good terms with China or Korea (South Korea and North Korea) which are in kinship in the field of some of DNA haplogroup. However, with the United States which is whose friend, it can do on good terms.

Moreover, while the world has the home that the inside of a house is peaceful, and that it is warm, in a house, there is also a home that the family is quarreling with each other mutually. In Japan, since the Emperor is existence like a household head, people have been collected like a warm family.

Japanese people have a big difference on the haplogroup of DNA with a Chinese and Koreans. On the China continent, although the haplogroup D of Y chromosome DNA which determines the paternal line was driven out, it is surviving in Japan and Tibet. The layer very thick especially in Japan is formed. The haplotype M7a of the mitochondrial DNA by which the maternal line is characterized on the other hand, and N9b are peculiar to the Japanese hardly seen in China and Korea. These are peculiar to a Jomon man.

Moreover, although only remained the type O2b of haplogroup O of Y chromosome DNA is very few on the China continent, very thick influence is occupied in Korea and Japan. This is peculiar to the Yayoi man who visited Japan with wet rice culture.
About the haplogroup O, Type O3 have an overwhelming majority on the China  continent, and Type O3 occupies them about 40% even in Korea. Type O3 is occupied about 20% even in Japan.

 The Yayoi man's root was in the Chang Jiang middle valley. Their ancestor was developing the civilization of a rice crop and fishing at the Chang Jiang middle valley. As for the civilization of the Chang Jiang middle valley, 1000 years were older than the civilization of the Huang He valley. Time when climate cooled, the Han race of Type O3 of the haplogroup O of a Y chromosome went south from the north direction, and pressed people of the Chang Jiang middle valley. They got off to Yunnan which is a mountain range, crossed the East China Sea, or came to Japan through the southern Korean Peninsula from the Shandong Bandao.

 Characteristic Jomon culture was then developed in various places in Japan. Before the Yayoi man visited Japan, there were people who came to Japan from the Chang Jiang valley a little, and they carried rice crop technology. However, the time when the rice crop spread in Japan is after the people of the Chang Jiang middle valley have come across the sea in a group. They lived together with Jomon men and were mutually half-blooded. In Japan, people with a DNA called the haplogroup D of the Y chromosome by which the paternal line is characterized were not pressed. This group is thick distributed over Japan and Tibet, although almost exterminated on the China continent. The type of this group is D2 in Japan, and are D1 and D3 in Tibet.

The moral culture of the Japanese who regards 'peace' as important may have progressed in such a situation. I think the reason why Buddhism rooted in Japan and became a basis of Japanese moral culture is not unrelated to Jomon culture having already been prosperous in Japanese various places before a Yayoi man comes across the sea. Although argument which annihilates paternal DNA on a continent occurred, in Japan, it never occurred.

 China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) are carrying out various motions noting that they will look down upon Japan. Japan wants to make friends with these countries. However, Japan will never become like those countries decide. Such a thing has rooted in Japanese potentiality and actual consciousness deeply. (continues)