
20131201意識と仏教(14)――何故シナと朝鮮は日本に敵対するのか?(1)――      Consciousness and Buddhism (14). ―― Why do China and Korea turn against Japan? (1).――

     Consciousness and Buddhism (14).
―― Why do China and Korea turn against Japan?  (1).――

Why do China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) turn against Japan? The essential cause of this problem is not the "history issue" which they say. A "history issue" is only an excuse for them to look down upon Japan. Japan was never invading these countries.           But it is clear during a process until a Great Japan Empire will war with the United States of America etc., and its war that Japan made people in these countries a great trouble. About that, sufficient apology is performed and Japan is offering sufficient compensation (financial support) after the war. However, while these countries perform anti-Japanese target education positively to nationals, they are not making it fully recognize about the apology and financial support which Japan has offered after the war.

シナ(中国)や朝鮮(韓国・北朝鮮)という国家は何故そのように日本を貶めようとするのだろうか? 私はこれらの国々が日本を貶めようとする本質的な原因を縄文時代及び弥生時代に遡って考えてみた。科学者たちは日本列島に住みついた人々のDNAとその特異性を明らかにした。私はその‘本質的な原因’について一つの仮説をここに書こうと思う。それは科学者たちが明らかにした知見をもとに大胆な推測を加えたものである。
Why does a state called China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) look down upon Japan such? I considered the essential cause by which these countries tended to look down upon Japan, tracing back to the Jomon period and the Yayoi period. Scientists clarified DNA and singularity of people who settled in the Japanese Islands. I think that I will write one hypothesis here about the 'essential cause'. It adds a bold guess based on the knowledge which scientists clarified.

Many common DNA haplogrous are seen between Japanese, a Chinese, and Koreans.
Japanese, a Chinese, and Koreans are relatives in which many common ancestors are in such a sense. The world has the person that relations with a relative are not so good from the first. However, such a person also says in many cases that the relation with a friend is good. Distant friends are better than a nearby relative. Japan cannot do it on good terms with China or Korea (South Korea and North Korea) which are in kinship in the field of some of DNA haplogroup. However, with the United States which is whose friend, it can do on good terms.

Moreover, while the world has the home that the inside of a house is peaceful, and that it is warm, in a house, there is also a home that the family is quarreling with each other mutually. In Japan, since the Emperor is existence like a household head, people have been collected like a warm family.

Japanese people have a big difference on the haplogroup of DNA with a Chinese and Koreans. On the China continent, although the haplogroup D of Y chromosome DNA which determines the paternal line was driven out, it is surviving in Japan and Tibet. The layer very thick especially in Japan is formed. The haplotype M7a of the mitochondrial DNA by which the maternal line is characterized on the other hand, and N9b are peculiar to the Japanese hardly seen in China and Korea. These are peculiar to a Jomon man.

Moreover, although only remained the type O2b of haplogroup O of Y chromosome DNA is very few on the China continent, very thick influence is occupied in Korea and Japan. This is peculiar to the Yayoi man who visited Japan with wet rice culture.
About the haplogroup O, Type O3 have an overwhelming majority on the China  continent, and Type O3 occupies them about 40% even in Korea. Type O3 is occupied about 20% even in Japan.

 The Yayoi man's root was in the Chang Jiang middle valley. Their ancestor was developing the civilization of a rice crop and fishing at the Chang Jiang middle valley. As for the civilization of the Chang Jiang middle valley, 1000 years were older than the civilization of the Huang He valley. Time when climate cooled, the Han race of Type O3 of the haplogroup O of a Y chromosome went south from the north direction, and pressed people of the Chang Jiang middle valley. They got off to Yunnan which is a mountain range, crossed the East China Sea, or came to Japan through the southern Korean Peninsula from the Shandong Bandao.

 Characteristic Jomon culture was then developed in various places in Japan. Before the Yayoi man visited Japan, there were people who came to Japan from the Chang Jiang valley a little, and they carried rice crop technology. However, the time when the rice crop spread in Japan is after the people of the Chang Jiang middle valley have come across the sea in a group. They lived together with Jomon men and were mutually half-blooded. In Japan, people with a DNA called the haplogroup D of the Y chromosome by which the paternal line is characterized were not pressed. This group is thick distributed over Japan and Tibet, although almost exterminated on the China continent. The type of this group is D2 in Japan, and are D1 and D3 in Tibet.

The moral culture of the Japanese who regards 'peace' as important may have progressed in such a situation. I think the reason why Buddhism rooted in Japan and became a basis of Japanese moral culture is not unrelated to Jomon culture having already been prosperous in Japanese various places before a Yayoi man comes across the sea. Although argument which annihilates paternal DNA on a continent occurred, in Japan, it never occurred.

 China and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) are carrying out various motions noting that they will look down upon Japan. Japan wants to make friends with these countries. However, Japan will never become like those countries decide. Such a thing has rooted in Japanese potentiality and actual consciousness deeply. (continues)