

Consciousness and Buddhism
――United States repeat the same mistakes against Japan? ――









アメリカは自国の利益の観点のみから日本を見ていて、日本の上記の姿勢や努力を理解していない。昨日安倍首相が靖国神社に参拝したことについてアメリカは批判した。アメリカ人は日本人の意識・無意識の根源が何処にあるのか理解していない。これは大東亜戦争が起きる前アメリカが日本に対して取った態度に似ている。その時アメリカは日本を敵視しシナ(中国)を支援した。日本は自衛の為強大なアメリカと命を懸けて戦わざるを得なかった。私は日本人の意識と無意識につい次回論述するつもりである。 (続く)

Consciousness and Buddhism
――United States repeat the same mistakes against Japan? ――

Even after a lot of centuries passed, it is estimated that spiritual long distance between Japan and China, and that between Japan and Korea (South Korea and North Korea) may never become short. It seems that each people of Japan and those countries become friendly gradually as long as exchange of economy or culture continues between Japan and those countries, of course.

Why is there such deep slot between Japan and those countries? I am always continuing considering that. I think that the prime cause of the slot is in the following three. One of them is "Own Power." The two is a "Gene." The three is "Consciousness".
 The meaning of "Own Power" in this case is that it is a power in which each thing has in it, and by its power, all thing strives to persevere in its being. Hereinafter, it is the same.

In order for Japan to display "Own Power", to survive and to go, it is necessary to raise Japanese "External Gene" and "Consciousness". The "External Genes" is tradition, culture, and custom. The "Consciousness" is the "Soul". The "Soul" transcends space-time and is free, non-limitation, non-control, versatile and immeasurable. If it acts in order that the Japanese may strengthen their "External Gene", Japanese "Consciousness = Soul" will increase naturally.

The origin of "Own Power" is not only in DNA which is "Body Gene" but in the tradition, the culture, and the custom which is "External Gene". One virus is also equipped with "Own Power". Each human being is also equipped with "Own Power". The "Nation" which consists of collective organization of human being is also equipped with "Own Power". The "Own Power" is selfish power. China and South Korea are performing the speech and conduct which disregarded international common sense, disregarded international law, and turned against Japan as a "Nation", respectively. There are people who are working in response to such speech and conduct of China or South Korea in Japan. They are similarly moved impulsively by their "Own Power".

While having repeated translation, transfer, and a duplicate, a "Gene" produces mutation and changes to a new thing. As long as the new thing suits the environment, the new thing survives and repeats translation, transfer, and a duplicate. An "Accidental" occurrence changes to "Being Necessary" and continues. A "Nation" is the same with that.

There is a DNA as a "Body Gene" and "External Gene" as tradition, culture, and custom. The information about traits and character, etc. of human is engraved in the "Body Gene" of human. The same can be said about the "Gene" of the "Nation". The "Gene" of the "Nation"’ has had very big influence on the form and character of the "Nation".

The "Nation" of various forms and character is located in the world. Japan is   unique "Nation" which Tennou, the Emperor of "Bansei Single Lineage" continues     more than 2600 years in the male line awarded to the top, and that political party which is democratically elected does the national politics. The "Bansei Single Lineage" means that generation continues without interruption from the original until the future. China is a "Nation" that a Communist Party does the national politics in the one-party dictatorship. South Korea is a "Nation" that democratically-elected President does the national politics. Among the "Nation" and "Nation", between individual humans can each other to empathize. However, the number varies with the form of the "Nation" and its character. Among the "Nation" which shared the same values and cultures, overwhelming people of each "Nation" can to empathize with each other.

The form and character of the "Nation" would be determined by history, traditions, culture and customs, etc of the "Nation" including collective DNA of the people who configures the "Nation". What human nature does not fit can't get along with each other. .As well as it, what the "Nation" does not fit can't get along with each other. The form and character of the "Nation" are determined by collective "Body Genes" and collective "External Gene" of the people that configure the "Nation". Japan always opens doors to China and South Korea who are not meeting personality, and has been exerting great effort to share the strategic benefit to each other, with proper attitude, strong patience, calm and reasonable relation to those countries.

The United States is watching Japan only from the point of view of its own interests, and do not understand the above Japan's attitude and effort. Yesterday Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine. The United States criticized about that. Americans do not understand from where Japanese consciousness and unconsciousness come. This is similar to attitude before the Greater East Asia War that the United States has taken against Japan. At that time the United States hostile to Japan and assisted China. Japan could not but fight for self-defense, having risk of life to the mighty United States. I am going to state my view about Japanese consciousness and unconsciousness next time. (Continue)