久しぶり寛いで映画を観た。映画と言っても長さ1時間11分余りの「You Tube」の動画である。私はこの映画(「You Tube」動画)を観ていろいろ考えさせられた。この映画(「You Tube」動画)のタイトルは『アメリカ陸軍第442歩兵連隊(US Army 442nd infantry regiment)』である。
ここにその映画(「You Tube」)と火星への移住を目指す研究に関する資料についてリンクを貼っておく。
I did relaxation after a long-time and saw the movie. Even if it
calls it a movie, it is a You Tube movie length of 1 hour 11 minute a little
more. I was made to consider many things by this movie. The title of the movie
is “US Army 442nd infantry regiment”
Struggle between human beings never ceases on this earth. Human
beings were only able to acquire the highest intelligence by chance in the
struggle for existence between various organism species. Also although it is
called human beings, it is a living thing struggling or fighting each other like
wild animal for survival fundamentally. A State is like the wild beast into
which the form was changed. Human beings' world is not different from the world
of wild animal, if a rule is not followed.
Can human beings win the struggle for existence against the computer
systems which completed and made to evolve increasingly by themselves? The computer
systems which became a center of Cloud like "swarm intelligence" of
honeybees, ants, or migratory birds. This may become an existence thing someday
exceeding human beings.
An accident will take place in the universe suddenly one day, and it
may become impossible for human beings to live on this earth. Even if an
accident does not occur suddenly, while there will be nothing within billion of years, this earth will be a scorching heavenly body. Before that, the only a handful of selected people escape from this
and may have emigrated to other planets, such as Mars. There are people who are studying the migration of
human beings to Mars earnestly.They are thinking to build a survival
system of the closed cyclical form fixed on the land of the Mars.
In the survival system, the technology of " Hyper-thermophilic Aerobic
Composting Bactreia (Compost Bacillus which likes the hot atmosphere)"
developed in Japan and knowledge of the
"Sericulture" which was once big industries in Japan are used.
The link is stuck here about the above mentioned "You Tube" movie and the data of the
research which aims at migration to the Mars.